Easter Ingathering ~ March 24th, 2018

Categories: Carillon Newsletter,ReachingOut

This year’s Easter Ingathering will be held on Saturday, March 24th at 9:30 am in the SCC Lounge.

Volunteers are needed to help pack bags for local families for their Easter celebration on Saturday, March 24th and participate in the delivery of the bags as well. Deliveries can happen on Saturday and then also on Sunday, March 25th following the Scrumptious Southern Brunch.

You do not need to sign up for this ministry – just show up and lend your hands to lighten the work. Donations of food and funds will add to the Easter bags that we can share with members of our community. Non-perishable food donations can be placed in the grocery cart in the Narthex or in the Food Pantry (no need to sort & shelve). Gifts of money can be placed in the offering plate, sent through the mail or left at the office. Please make checks payable with “Easter Ingathering” in the memo line.

Contact: Carolyn Holmy (ceholmy@snet.net), Outreach Ministry Coordinator

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