
Recent News

December Food Pantry Request

For the month of December, the Food Pantry is requesting canned meals like stew, ravioli, spaghetti o’s, chili, baked beans. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Come Caroling! Sunday, Dec. 15

Please join us as we share Christmas cheer with members of our church family who don’t always get to be here in person.  There will be soups and caroling books and musical instruments, all we need is YOU dressed in your reindeer, or elf or bright Christmas garb.  Meet in the Lounge after worship. We…

A Service of Lessons and Carols

A Service of Lessons and Carols, with singers from Choir Matrix, Handbells, and Organ, will be held on Sunday, December 8, 10:00 a.m.  Through the reading of the lessons, each followed by the singing of a carol, the Christmas story is recounted and celebrated. Please join us for this festive and meaningful event.

“Starry Nights: An Advent Devotional full of Light and Wonder!”

Join Pastor Diane over Zoom for three gatherings during the Advent season. Pick up a “Starry Nights” devotional booklet at the church or access it online here. We will meet for three Wednesdays: 12/4, 12/11 and 12/18~ 7-8pm. Together we’ll read a short passage of scripture, light a candle, share our wonder over a big…

2024 Christmas Bazaar

Plan on visiting us at our Annual Christmas Bazaar! This is always a special way to prepare for the season as we offer gift ideas for everyone on your list – and for you! We will have quilts, SERRV items, soups to go, delicious baked goods, poinsettias, greens and arrangements, pecans and a great Christmas…

Toys for Children

This year we will again be collecting toys under the program Toys for Tots. If you would like to help out by purchasing a child’s toy then it can be placed in the collection box in the entryway near the coat rack outside Katie’s office. The box will be available in November and through December 5th. The toys…

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