Recent News

Worship on Zoom only tomorrow, Feb. 16
Due to weather conditions, on Sunday, February 16th, we will hold worship online only. Please use the regular zoom link for our online service. There will be no in-person service. Cancelled in-person calendar events for Sunday include all MORNING events: In-person worship, Fellowship, Food Pantry, Edwina Whitney Library, and UConn student Welcome Luncheon. Our Volunteer Snow Team: Thank…

Handbell Concert on Feb. 23
The Northeastern Connecticut Chapter of the American Guild of Organists presents a Handbell Festival Concert on February 23, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., at St. Mary’s Church in Willimantic, featuring the handbell choirs of several area churches including our own! Please click on the title to see more details on the flyer. If you enjoy handbell…

Welcome Back Lunch for UConn Students Feb. 16
This event has been postponed due to weather conditions.

“Souper Bowl” February – All month!
The food pantry is having a SOUPER BOWL for the entire month of February. Although the big game is over, (and we hope “your” team won!), the problem of hunger continues long after game day. Please purchase some cans of soup to fill the bowls of our friends who visit our pantry. Last year our Souper…

Honoring MLK Jr. Click here for National Service
In honor of our national Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on January 20th, all are invited to follow the link above to livestream the national service. The UCC is a sponsor of the event.

Next Book Discussion Announced
Book Discussion for March 16, 2025, 4pm SCC Library and Zoom. Book Discussion for March 16, 2025 will be dedicated to “Choose a biography/memoir”. Readers will choose a biography or memoir, read it, and briefly share it at the meeting. Availability: The SCC Library has a collection of biographies and memoirs, you may want to…