Changing the Lens of Justice

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A Restorative Justice Primer Series. Professor Susan Maze-Rothstein will start the series with a primer on and overview of the indigenous origins, principles and philosophy, key values, and concepts of restorative justice Monday, January 23, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, followed by Q&A. She will help us define and understand the meaning and purpose of restorative justice as a whole community approach giving numerous real-life examples.


What is Restorative Justice? Restorative justice seeks to repair damage, restore relationships, and invite transformation by prioritizing individual and community healing rather than punishment; restitution rather than retribution. Susan Maze-Rothstein seeks societal justice informed by ancestral wisdom. She is the director of the Center for Restorative Justice at Suffolk University. Trained at Cornell University and Boston College Law School, she practiced law for five years adjudicated for 12 years. Susan has 22 years’ experience in social justice education and 17 years’ experience in restorative justice. Sponsored by the Southern New England Conference United Church of Christ Restorative Justice Task Team

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