Thursday evening, as shadows begin to stretch and lengthen into the darkest of all nights, we will come together as a faithful community, entering the ‘upper room’ with Jesus as he gathers close, on his last earthly night, with us, his dearest friends.
In person or remote, we will share the precious gift Jesus gave us in remembrance of him, the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper: Holy Communion.
For those joining online, before the time of our service you will want to prepare some bread and a cup or cups of juice or wine and set these elements where you will worship with our faith community.
Many of the rituals of this night belong to ancient Christian tradition: the service of Communion and Tenebrae (readings and progressive darkness), closing the Bible (or a loud noise), whispering the Lord’s prayer and departing in silence. Click here to access online worship, and click here to access the Maundy Thursday bulletin.
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