About Us

a welcoming, historic, and progressive Christian community

Faces of Storrs CongregationalWe are…

a welcoming, historic, and progressive Christian community…

reaching out in ministry and mission at the University of Connecticut, in the wider Storrs-Mansfield community, throughout central northeastern Connecticut, and beyond.  As we express in our mission statement adopted in 2019, “We share in God’s love by growing in faith,
courageously seeking justice, and generously caring for all people.

a Logo: United Church of Christ - God is still speaking,congregation of the United Church of Christ with deep roots in our Congregationalist heritage…

stretching back through our over 275 years of history as a congregation… connecting us with the rich faith and heritage of New England’s Pilgrim and Puritan forebears… rooting us in the faith and insight of our Reformation-era Protestant ancestors… and making us a part of the long-line of the believers and doubters, the saints and sinners, the sanctified and the scandalous who have sought to follow Jesus Christ as disciples, loving God and neighbor through the power of the Spirit.

Rainbow Flag with "God Is Still Speaking,"an Open and Affirming congregation…

Believing that each of us is unique and blessed with special talents from God, each a creation of God’s love, alike and yet different, we open our doors and our ministry to all. We accept into full participation in the life of this Church: people of any age, economic status, gender, marital status, race, sexual orientation, and physical, emotional and mental capability. As a community, we will work to put aside all prejudices and to affirm and promote the worth and dignity of each person.

UConn Wordmarkin ministry to and with the University of Connecticut… and the wider community…

Our facilities sit right on the corner of two of the main thoroughfares into and through the UConn campus, and since the school’s earliest days back in the 1880s, the campus community has shaped our life together in important ways.  Today, we remain committed to being a place of spiritual solace, faith formation, Christian hospitality, and disciple-shaping for university students coming to campus from any number of backgrounds.  While we, of course, often see students who’ve grown up in other UCC/Congregational churches, we just as often find among us students from United Methodist, Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, Baptist, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, evangelical, Unitarian Universalist, and other backgrounds… and also students who are just exploring Christianity and faith community involvement for the first time!

But our doors don’t just open to college students, or only to the University of Connecticut community.  Ours is an age-diverse, intergenerational congregation drawing in fellow pilgrims from all around Storrs, Mansfield, and many surrounding towns–Willington, Ashford, Coventry, Tolland, Vernon-Rockville, Columbia, and Willimantic, just to name a few.  Our ministries of mission, outreach, and social engagement reach beyond the campus boundaries as well, touching lives in the town of Mansfield, in Willimantic, and across Connecticut and beyond with signs of God’s mercy, justice, and peace.

a place where faith comes alive, questions are honored, and hope is born…

In this grand old place, we “do church” in some pretty traditional ways. We study the teachings and the actions of Jesus. We gather around the waters of grace in baptism and the feast table of Christ in Holy Communion, just as Christians have done for nearly two thousand years. Some of the songs we sing are ones our grandparents might also have sung in their day. Yet, in our preaching and prayers, we wrestle with the challenges of the modern world. Whenever you are with us, we hope your heart will hear something personal and relevant—a word of comfort, a spur to action, a call to a deeper relationship with God.