“THE MARRIAGE PORTRAIT” by Maggie O’Farrell is the book for discussion on November 19, 2023. This historical fiction novel presents Renaissance Italy in all its beauty, including the architecture, the clothes, and art. It tells the story of noble woman Lucrezia di Cosimo de’Medici who at a young age was forced by her parents to marry older Alfonso II…
WAIM Workday, Saturday, Oct. 7 from 9 – noon
WAIM (Windham Area Interfaith Ministry), 866 Main Street, Willimantic. People will meet inside WAIM and various tasks will be assigned. These include sorting clothes, vacuuming or mopping, helping out on the loading dock (back, lowest level of the building), and other tasks to help WAIM maintain its operations.If you need any further information, please reach…
Book Discussion Group: Sunday, 9/17 at 4:00 on Zoom
“HEFT” by Liz Moore is the book for discussion on September 17, 2023. We invite you to join our discussion on Sunday on Zoom at 4:00 p.m. It is a story of improbable heroes. Sixty-year-old academic, Arthur, is so overweight that it has limited his world. He has not been out of his house for…
Church World Service News
Dress-A-Girl Around the World will have an exhibit at the Durham Fair from September 21-24. Dresses will be displayed, along with information about the mission of the program. In addition, the dresses will be judged and ribbons awarded. Three of our sewers have submitted dresses, they are Lois Demurjian, Sally Doyen, and Ginny Reigel (Sally’s…
Worship in Auditorium on Sunday, 9/10
Worship service will be held in the Auditorium this Sunday for air-conditioned comfort during this heat wave.
A Message from the SNEUCC
God Be With Us in this Time of Turmoil. The Rev. Dr. James D. Ross II, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, writes: “We are saddened and outraged by the murders of three black people by a white supremacist in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday. We hold in prayer the families of the people who were slain…
Sunday Morning Breakfast, Anyone?
Join other UConn students at our Student Breakfast every Sunday morning before our 10:00 am worship service. Breakfast is offered starting at 8:45 am in the SCC Parish House Auditorium. Offerings usually include: eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, pancakes, waffles or French toast, and drinks (juice, coffee, tea, cocoa). Feel free to stop by any Sunday…
WOW Weekend! Aug. 26 & 27
To coincide with UCONN’s Weekend of Welcome, our church will be holding a gala tag and bake sale on Saturday, Aug. 26 from 1 – 6 pm and Sunday Aug. 27 from 8:30 – 1! Community members, and students and families arriving at their dorms – welcome! Come browse and see if you find any…
Carillon Concert on Sunday, Aug. 27 at 5:00 p.m.
Be sure to join us for our Carillon concert with Margaret Angelini, on Sunday at 5:00 pm. Bring a blanket or chair, a full picnic or tasty snack and settle onto the front lawn to hear the carillon bells ring out arrangements of music by the Beatles, spirituals and American composers, a fun and eclectic program for…
Donations Now Being Collected for Hawaii Wildfire Relief
The news has been devastating. The natural beauty of Hawaii’s pristine wide open spaces, ancient rainforests, historic trails, culturally significant sites, as well as homes and businesses have all been reduced to large swaths of burned rubble with loss of over 100 lives, and 1000 people still missing. Many people are asking how they can…