
Success! Prayer Squares for Brit’s Academy

A big thank you to Pam and Dick Roberts for delivering 25 prayer squares made by Storrs Congregational Church to Brit’s Home in Grand Goave, Haiti. The knitting of the prayer squares was coordinated by Sue Schur and Deborah Gacek provided the gift tags. Storrs Congregational Church has a rich history with Brit’s Academy as…

Intergenerational Nature Hike: Saturday, November 13

Saturday, November 13th, 10:00 am – 11:00 amMeet and park in the lot behind Mansfield Historic SocietyRain date: Sunday, November 14th following coffee hour Plan to gather with Lisa and others from the church to explore Joshua Trust Fifty Foot Cliff Preserve on Saturday (the weather is supposed to be really good!!!). “This property with…

Upcoming Interfaith Events

Sacred Ground: Building Racial Reconciliation Through Education and Understanding Every Other Monday, Beginning 1 November 2021 – 4 April 2022(Eleven Sessions)7:00 pmRegisterSubjects to be covered – the history of Indigenous persons, slave trade, immigration from around the world, the Beloved Community, and more.  The sessions will be facilitated by Dr. Walton Brown-Foster and Dr. Benjamin…