
Welcome Sunday – 9/8/24

Friends, Join SCC worship on Sunday as we gather together for our annual “Welcome Sunday!” Come to be together, come to praise God, and come to “be opened” to the Spirit’s work in our shared life at SCC! Most importantly, come and STAY after worship for our Welcome Sunday Potluck Lunch! In addition to delicious…

Welcome to a new school year, UConn Students!

Whether you are returning, or at UConn for the first time, on behalf of our church we want to wish you a wonderful and productive school year! We are your neighbor here on campus and we extend a warm welcome to all! Please know that you are welcome to join us for any service, event,…

“Welcoming Sunday”, Sept. 8th from 11 – 1

With many of our church family vacationing, traveling, and enjoying summer activities, Welcoming Sunday will be a time where we all come back together, kick off a new church season, and welcome students and visitors! This year Welcoming Sunday is scheduled for September 8th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The event will feature a…

Food Pantry: August Donations

The request for August is condiments: oil, ketchup, mustard, mayo, BBQ sauce etc. Condiments – the unsung heroes of our dinner tables. We hope you will “relish” this opportunity to provide some to our food pantry clients.

School Supplies Being Collected

It may be summer, but the Service Sewing Team is not on vacation! They are busy preparing for the next need: getting school supplies to children when they start the new school year! School supply sales have begun. Our Service Sewing team depends upon the savvy shoppers of this community to gather the needed items…

Open and Affirming Sunday

Open and Affirming Sunday will be celebrated on June 30th with other UCC churches around the country. We will celebrate and recommit our status as an ONA church and our covenant of welcome to persons of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. Communion will be served.

Next Book Club Discussion

THE SHACK has been selected as the book for discussion, Sunday, September 15, at 4:00pm, Zoom only.  THE SHACK BY William P. Young was written by a Christian father who wanted to help his children understand his relationship with God. In the story Mackinzie’s daughter is kidnapped during a family outing and never found. Years later,…

Carillon Concert at 1:00 p.m. on June 23!

Storrs Congregational Church presents Summer Carillon Concerts on the Lawn. In 2024 two concerts will be held on Sunday, June 23 and Sunday September 8 at 1:00PM. Please note the change of time! Bring your own picnic and chairs to this rain or shine event. There will be video and live-stream available. Restrooms are located…

Mental Health Sunday on June 9

This Sunday we will celebrate UCC Mental Health Sunday. Come and learn more about challenging issues of mental health, and gain resources that can help us all care for ourselves, our family & friends, and the stranger. We will welcome Tom Burr, the Public Policy and Affiliate Relations Manager at NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)…