
Around the Board Table – Governing Board News

Although the March meeting was cancelled due to snow, the Governing Board has made the following one-year appointments since those reported in the March Carillon: Leadership Discernment Committee Jaime Lang Rodean Finance and Administration Committee Liz Cowles (as At-Large member, Finance only) Edwin Whitney Scholarship Committee Eileen Metzgar Larry Mickel Internal Auditors Cass Crewdsen Marietta…

Just Peace Action Groups Are Forming

The Just Peace Team met in February, 2018 and are now forming smaller teams to study and plan initiatives for selected justice issues. They are listed below with the name and contact information for each team leader. If you would like to learn more about the justice issues of the United Church of Christ (UCC),…

We’re A Just Peace Church —- Now What????

What might we do now that we are a Just Peace Church?  Our friend and recent Sabbatical Senior Minister, the Rev. Dr. Bob Loesch sent us a list of some of the activities that members of his home church have taken in the past year.  He is a member of Foster Memorial Church (UCC) in…

Rescheduled Mental Health Forum and Workshop

Saturday, April 28th, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the Lounge Mental Health is a growing concern for so many in this current day and age and sometimes you cannot find the information you need to understand what is happening. Plan to attend this informative and instructional workshop that will: Explore various aspects of our mental…

Whitney Library Update

Thanks to all the volunteer painters led by Duffy Brooks we are nearing the major portion of repainting the library.  The reshelving and rearranging of the books has begun and it is a slow and tedious job.  Shelves are being adjusted and accuracy of shelving is an important step at this time.  We will be…

Holy Week & Easter 2018 at SCC

Holy Week and Easter @ SCC March 25:  Palm Sunday 10:00 am — Worship service with Palm Procession (procession may begin outdoors in PH Courtyard or directly in the Meeting House, depending on weather) March 29:  Maundy Thursday 5:30 pm — A ‘Simple Supper’, with interactive worship stations available for personal prayer, in the Auditorium…

Just Peace Meetings To Be Held Monthly

The Just Peace Team will be meeting monthly and the next meeting will be at 7:00 in the church lounge on Tuesday, March 27th. Tentatively, we will be meeting on the last Tuesday if the month The Team is very grateful to everyone for their unanimous approval of the Statement to Become  a Just Peace…

Around The Board Table

At the meeting of the Governing Board held Tuesday, February 13, the Governing Board voted to appoint Dick Roberts as its Chair and Laurie Brookes as its Vice Chair for the 2018-19 term. In addition, Bryan Klimkiewicz offered to work with Laurie as a de facto co-vice chair. We reappointed the following to serve as…

Faith Formation News

From the Adult Sunday School We’re turning to some Lenten studies from now until Easter.  On April 8th we will return to our reading and discussion of The Future of Faith by Harvey Cox.  (A spare copy is available from Ed Tomastik.)  We’ll be on Chapter 5, The People of the Way, The Devolution from Faith to Belief, and also…

Have a Minute? Thoughts from Pastor Matt…

“Betwixt and between.”  This is what Dr. Stephen Ray, the new president at my theological alma mater, the Chicago Theological Seminary, titled his first sermon delivered in community chapel there.  The sermon was preached in the midst of the odd confluence we just had on February 14th—the co-occurrence of Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday.[1]  I’ll…