
Be A Caring Volunteer

The Caring Ministry is seeking more volunteers to be connected with other church members.  To date, most of the congregation is “connected” to someone else who has offered to keep in touch with them, talk, pray and generally “be there” if there is some need.  There have been many new friendships formed. We still have…

Fall Work Days – 2017

Our fall properties work days came at a busy time for many but still, much was accomplished.  Fortunately, there was hardly any need for work on the grounds because of ongoing projects all summer. This time, crews worked on ongoing challenges such as painting the library and cleaning/reorganizing the upstairs kitchen.  Areas of the church…

Around The Table – Governing Board Meeting In October

Between authorization of several important maintenance projects, budget preparation, and preparing for a vote on whether to make our trial governance structure permanent, October was another busy month your Governing Board. Exterior Repairs to the Meeting House, Education Building, and Chapel On August 8, 2017 the Governing Board, in good faith, acted to approve the…

Faith Formation News – November 2017

We are continuously “in formation!” and new and wonderful things are happening! As usual, we have been gathering for Sunday School, during worship.  However, noticing that the needs of our congregation are shifting, we are working together to make space for emerging ministries.  Read Erin Scholes’ article about a wonderful new ministry, for young adults…

Food Pantry Items Needed

Our Food Pantry this fall is very low on many of the basic needs and in dire need of some donations. Here is a list of what is needed at this time: Canned Fruit & Vegetables Soup (all kinds including broth) Cereal (hot or cold) Peanut butter Spam or other canned meat Canned Pasta Mac…

WAIM Walk for Warmth Sunday, November 19

As we head into the holiday season, needs increase for those in our community who lack the basic necessities such as food, warmth and shelter. Support our Y@SCC group as they lace up their shoes and walk, regardless of the cold, the climate and their own personal needs – just like those who have no…

Around the Board Table: Resignations and Appointments

On September 12 the Governing Board accepted the resignations of Bill Ross from the Governance Task Force and the Leadership Discernment Committee and Pat Mochel as Internal Auditor with thanks for their service. On the recommendation of the Collector, the Governing Board appointed Jane Ann Bobbitt as Internal Auditor to fill the remainder of Pat…

Odds and Ends of Thoughts from Pastor Bob

I recommend that you visit the current exhibition at The Benton, The William Benton Museum of Art, which will continue until December 17: Unfiltered: An Exhibition About Water. This exhibition explores water as a universal concern and touches on the themes of: the power of water and the changing landscape; water pollution and biology; water…

A Note from the Just Peace Taskforce

War is not the answer… Over the next several months, The Carillon will feature a series of articles exploring what it means to become a Just Peace Congregation. In this installment, the Rev. Alice O’Donovan ponders peacemaking, asking, “If war is not the answer, what is the question?” In September 1953 I entered fifth grade…