
Celebrate Christmas at Storrs Congregational

Celebrate Christmas at Storrs Congregational O come, all you faithful (and even those of you who think yourself not-so-faithful) and worship God as we commemorate and celebrate the great mystery of the incarnation, God’s coming among us in the Christ child.  Plan to take part in any and all of our Christmas worship services: Saturday, Dec…

Festival of Lessons & Carols for Advent – December 11

A Festival of Lessons & Carols for Advent December 11, 2016 @ 3:00 pm Storrs Congregational Church Meeting House The combined voices of Storrs Congregational Church UCC, St. Mark’s Episcopal Chapel, and St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Chapel will join together observing the rich depth of the pre-Christmas season of Advent, with its themes of…

Voices Reconnected, Reclaimed, Renewed – Sabbatical 2017 Information

Voices: Reconnected, Reclaimed, Renewed More about the 2017 sabbatical for Pastor Matt… with an EXCITING announcement!   (This article originally appeared in the October 2016 issue of The Carillon, our monthly newsletter)   It’s almost hard to believe it, but it’s been 6 years ago this month that our congregation voted to call Pastor Matt as…

SCC looks forward to a new year at UConn

SCC looks forward to a new year at UConn The Storrs Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, and it’s UCC UConn campus ministry are looking forward with excitement at the start of a new year at the University of Connecticut.  In a greeting to returning students, our senior minister, the Rev. Matthew Emery, wrote, “We…

HuskyWOW Welcome Back Tag & Bake Sale – August 27 & 28

HuskyWOW Welcome Back Tag Sale Saturday, August 27th — 1 to 6 pm Sunday, August 28th — 9 am to 12 pm   Small furniture: bookshelves, desks, tables, lamps, chairs, storage units… Kitchen items: small appliances, utensils, pots and pans, dinnerware, glassware… Decorative item: artwork, vases, UCONN memorabilia, throw pillows Sports items, bicycles, toys, games,…

UCC UConn shares ASB trip experiences from South Carolina

UCC UConn shares Alternative Spring Break experiences from South Carolina UCC UConn, the campus ministry student group at the University of Connecticut affiliated with us here at Storrs Congregational Church UCC, is hard at work assisting with disaster recovery needs in coastal South Carolina this week, March 13th to 19th. Working through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance—the…

UCC Effort against Casino Expansion

UCC Effort against Casino Expansion We need your help to stop another casino from being built in Connecticut. The Connecticut Conference of the United Church of Christ is leading this effort. Casinos profit when people lose their money. Casinos derive their revenue disproportionally from low wage workers, minorities, the elderly, the mentally ill, and the…

March Carillon Feature: Ministry @ SCC

Special Feature Ministry @ SCC With our new framework for governance now in effect as of our Annual Meeting—and our Governing Board’s work off to a great start, as you’ll see elsewhere in this issue—early 2016 also brings with it the transitions in the ways our various ministry activities are structured and led.  The good…

March Carillon Feature: Service & Involvement Opportunities

March 2016 Carillon Special Feature – Ministry @ SCC Service & Involvement Opportunities In the special feature article, we’ve shared all about how ministry leadership and involvement is shaping up in 2016 under our new systems.  We hope you will be proactive in helping our ministry leaders link you up with service opportunities by filling…