
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14

“Ashes to Go” at the corner of Storrs Rd. and North Eagleville Road, 11:45am-12:30pm. Rev. Diane will be offering ashes, or blessings, “to go” on North Eagleville Road. There will also be an Ash Wednesday Service at 7:00 pm. All are welcome to join us as we begin our Lenten journey.

Soups Wanted!

You may or may not be a Super Bowl fan, but hopefully you will take part in our Souper Bowl. During the month of February, show you care by bringing soup to church so we can fill many empty bowls with nourishing soup from our pantry .

UCONN Student Brunch Sunday Feb. 4!

UConn students are invited to join Rev. Diane and our University Student Ministry Team after worship on Feb. 4th to share good food and good company. We look forward to time together to reconnect and make plans for the spring semester! Questions? Email Jan Castle:

Annual Business Meeting this Sunday, Jan. 28!

The Members of the Storrs Congregational Church are called to the Annual Business Meeting of the congregation, to be held this Sunday, January 28, 2024, following the Sunday morning worship service.  All are encouraged to attend this important gathering of our congregation, which will be held both in-person and online.

Food Pantry Advisory Board Meeting

Monday, January 22nd at 2:15 PM in the Library. The students are back on campus and we’ve expanded our contribution base to include Cumberland Farms ready to eat items as well. Would you like to be part of the discussion about how best to use contributions to the greater good of the community? If you…

MLK, Jr. Day

The church office will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15th in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. The Food Pantry will be open from 12 – 2.

MLK, Jr. Online Service offered by SNEUCC

SNEUCC will be holding a Martin Luther King Jr. Day Online Worship service at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, featuring the preaching of Andrea Barton Reeves, winner of the Donald A. Wells Preaching Prize. Please click here for the information you need to access the service via live stream. or to view the recording that will be available…

Annual Meeting Time!

Save the Date! Annual Meeting 1/28/24 Mark your calendars for our SCC Annual Meeting, to be held after worship on Sunday 1/28/24. Stay tuned for more details. All are encouraged to attend this important gathering of our congregation, which will be held both in-person and online.