Bells & Instruments
Speaking, singing, and other uses of our voices are not the only ways we give prayer and praise to God. As the psalm writer proclaims, “Praise God with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise God with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with clanging cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!” (Psalm 150).
Our Adult Handbell choir rings for our 10 am Festival Worship services on a number of occasions throughout the year. Playing on a 4-and-a-half octave set of Schulmerich handbells, as well as a two (2) octave set of Schulmerich MelodyChimes®, this ensemble of around 8 to 10 players is a great opportunity for people with a variety of different musical abilities to be able to contribute to the worship music life of our congregation.
The Adult Handbells also offer music at special services, join with the Adult Choir on some selections, and participate from time to time in area handbell festivals and similar events.
The Adult Handbell choir rehearses from 6:30 to 7:15 pm most Thursday evenings, September through May.
For more information, or to join, contact our Director of Music Ministry, Trisha Snyder:
email_to Trisha Snyder or 860-429-9382 x26.
Instrumental music
Flute, trumpet, guitar, violin, djembe drums, clarinet, maracas, string quartet, hammered dulcimer, celtic harp, brass quintet, bagpipe, … the list of instruments that have graced our worship in recent times goes on-and-on.
We are pleased to use the gifts and interests of congregation members and friends to enhance our week-to-week worship life, and to call upon the resources of area professional musicians for festival holidays and other occasions which call for it.
For more information on how you might offer your instrumental gifts as a part of this ministry, contact our Director of Music Ministry, Trisha Snyder:
email_to Trisha Snyder or 860-429-9382 x26.