Worship at Storrs Congregational: May 2020

At the time of publication, we anticipate the suspension of in-person worship to continue at least through the end of May. This is, of course, subject to change; we’ll keep you posted!  All the information for joining in worship is at https://www.storrscongchurch.org/worship-online/ Sundays: 10:00 am (except May 17) May 3:  The 4th Sunday of Easter…

Sundays at Storrs Congregational: April 2020

Worship Online with SCC The coronavirus may be forcing us to suspend our normal in-person worship services at Storrs Congregational, but that does not mean that we will stop our worship of God!  We still gather as a community for 10 am worship every Sunday, as well as a short Vespers service at 7 pm…

Holy Week 2020 at Storrs Congregational

There were no trumpets or Easter lilies or even angelic choirs on that first Easter (although Matthew, and only Matthew, says there was an earthquake!). In fact, what did the reality of Jesus’ resurrection result in, at least as John tells the story? The disciples hiding out in a locked room out of fear! Most…

A Faith Formation Note

I have been inspired by Pastor Matt’s recent messages in the Carillon and by the energy at our annual meeting to start a conversation about welcoming children and families.  That is to say, how do we all as a church together and each one of us as individuals welcome children and family in our midst. …

Have A Minute?

Thoughts from Pastor Matt… By the time you read this, we’ll be beginning our journey through the season of Lent, that period of 40 days (plus 6 Sundays) before Easter.  “A gift of faith from ages past,” as it is called in one of the hymns for the season, Lent always comes to us as…

Sundays at Storrs Congregational: March 2020

Sermon Series for Lent:  “Words That Change Our World” In our tradition, we aren’t so big on “creeds”.  Sure, we recognize the ancient creeds as a part of our tradition’s historic and ongoing witness, but we’re not people who recite a creed or other faith statement on any regular basis.  But there is one set…

Have A Minute?

Thoughts from Pastor Matt… As the end of the year approaches, it’s already time to begin thinking about what’s ahead in a new year.  (I know, I know, for some of us, just getting from now through Christmas is enough to worry about…)  As I look ahead to the upcoming year for us here at…

Sundays at Storrs Congregational: December 2019

Dec. 1:  The 1st Sunday of Advent (Yr. A) – Holy Communion Pastor Nancy preaching Be sure to be present as our congregation marks the end of Pastor Nancy’s ministry to, with, and among us as she departs to become the new pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Hartford.  The Rev. Chuck Erickson, our regional minister…

Mental Health and Wellness – A Resource Guide

The Mental Health Ministry team planned a very successful Mental Health Workshop on October 12th with 32 church and community members attending.  A speaker presented information on the UCC Mental Health Network and becoming a WISE church (Welcoming, Inclusive, Supportive and Engaging). Other speakers presented information on the National Alliance for Mental Health and Stress…

Food Pantry Needs: November 2019

Our Food Pantry will be used much more starting this month. With the holidays right around the corner, local families are simply not receiving enough assistance to put food on their tables. Students using the Food Pantry have identified the need for additional items that are necessary to their dietary needs. Here are some items…