
Pollinator Garden Planting Day

Volunteers are already busy preparing the ground! All are invited to grab a pair of garden gloves and join us for the planting day tomorrow, April 30th at 9:30 AM. Meet in the space between the meeting house and the education building, (look for us near the church driveway closest to Rte. 195, Storrs Rd.)….

SNE Spring Women’s Gathering

April 30, 2022, 8:45 a.m. at First Church of Christ, 75 Main St., Farmington, CT. Please click for more information and to register! Enjoy activities, fellowship, and be on hand to congratulate Janis Hoyle, our SCC 2022 Recognized Woman of the Year! Check out the Women’s Connection page on this website!

Peace Vigil

Please join us this Thursday, March 17, at 12:15 p.m. by our Peace Pole on the front lawn. Prayers and poems for peace will be offered as we open our hearts and send out our prayers for peace. If it is raining, the Peace Vigil will be held in the chapel.

Ash Wednesday Services: March 2.

Two opportunities will be offered: a prayer service held at noontime in the chapel, and a contemplative service with music at 7:00 in the Meeting House. Arrangements can be made to receive ashes at a home visit upon request.

Webinar of Climate Advocacy

Webinar of Climate Advocacy:IREJN (Inter-Religious Eco-Justice Network) will be hosting a webinar on climate advocacy on Thursday, February 24 from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm. (This event was originally scheduled from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, so this is a slight change.)We will be looking at the top three climate bills in Connecticut for the state…